He saved us and our continued desire is only that all might experience this great love that we have now in Christ Jesus! We look forward to meeting all who come through our doors!
Music Team
In the Music ministry We believe that, by the Leading of the Holy Spirit, we are called to lead and create a platform in which Gods people can freely Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24). Worship is our response to God in which we show deep reverence and adoration for who He is and what He has done.
Our music ministry team consists of vocalists, various musicians, sound and media team. In our Gifting and skills as creative communicators, it is required of each member to be a born again believer of our Lord Jesus Christ and have a lifestyle of worship in which we are continually growing our Spiritual relationship with Christ as well as intentionally growing and working on our respective crafts or gifts. In worship this takes the focus off the technical stuff and allows our heart to be focused on Christ, who is the center of it all (Eph 1:15-23).
Being part of Victory’s Music team is such a fun, awesome and exciting ministry to serve in. From laughing and drinking coffee… making mistakes…. It’s all part of the journey!
Ladies Ministry – IN HIS IMAGE
We encourage women to pursue a loving, lasting relationship with
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We serve each other
through the word, and prayer. Quarterly, gatherings are prayerfully arranged to facilitate corporate fellowship in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Women are the daughters of God and we value and appreciate their uniqueness!
So God created human beings[a] in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
Prayer Ministry
In Him (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace Eph 1:7 Jesus Christ has reconciled us back to the Father, but because of wrong belief systems, unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unmet expectations people can have unresolved issues. This can result in a bad relationship with God the Father, other people and with oneself.
Manifestations of this can be anger, rage, unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, depression and even sickness of the body, to name just a few. Prayer ministry is learning to pray effectively by forgiving and releasing, allowing the Holy Spirit to operate in and through one for healing and deliverance. This becomes a lifestyle of appropriating what Christ has already done through His death and resurrection.
DivorceCare’s life-changing support groups welcome people and guide them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. Over 1 million people have found comfort and hope through this 13-week, video-based series.
What is DivorceCare?
DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.
Good advice
Each week, you’ll watch a 30-minute video filled with practical suggestions from counselors and other experts on divorce recovery. Plus you’ll hear from people who’ve experienced a marriage breakup and who share what’s helped them. Their insights will help you make wise decisions as you move forward.
A structured approach
When everything feels chaotic, DivorceCare’s structured approach provides stability. It helps you organize your thinking and manage your emotions. Each group is built around three main parts that work together to provide the most effective healing experience: video, group discussion, and a participant book for practical application.
Freedom in Christ Course
The Freedom in Christ course facilitates important steps in every spiritual journey. This course is structured to guide participants to embracing belief in a living Christ, to finding the truth of who they are in Christ, to resolving personal and spiritual conflicts through genuine repentance, and then on to maturity as a disciple. Please contact the Victory Office for course cost and dates.